Being attractive comes more from your personality more than from your appearance, and demonstrating an attractive personality is key to making friends and having good working relations. To have an attractive personality you need to develop these traits as they will give you the ability to inspire and fascinate others. Here we have eight personality trait that will make you attractive and will make others more drawn to you.
- Listen to others
Listening is a trait that is often forgotten about in today’s society. Instead of using phone looking here and there or thinking about your next meal, pay attention to what the other person speaking. Show them you are listening and interested by engaging or asking questions and learn from it.

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- Work on Inner beauty
When you speak everything gets reflected, whether you are arrogant, dominating, self-centered, insensitive, or nice, kind, and sensitive. From your actions and way you behave it all gets reflected. So make sure that you work on your persona. As to have a great look it takes you just a couple of months, but to have great personality you need to work for years to develop that aura and confidence.

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- Learn from Mistakes
If you are learning any new thing, you are bound to make mistakes, be prepared to say sorry and apologies genuinely. By saying sorry you can make a respectful corner among your colleagues and friends. Do not stop until you have learned from your mistakes. Some things might take years to learn which is completely fine, at least you are learning and trying your best.

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- Help others communicate
Get a bunch of people together and have fun together. It can be as simple as a gathering at the park, or as extravagant as an elegant dinner party. Either way, it shows them that you care and want to spread friendship.

- Develop a sense of humor
Always working for targets and remaining a serious and boring kind of a person is never able to develop a fan club of his own, you need to be fun-loving, add some humor while the serious discussion is going on, this will break the monotonous routine in the room, and burst the stress balloon as well. But do it in a controlled and acceptable manner.

- Complement others
If you see someone is looking great it is always nice to compliment them, they will love you for that. It’s not only about dress this is valid for their exceptional victory, speech, or any other quality which you admire about them the most.

- Your body language
Be watchful of your body and its signals that it is passing on to the listeners. Body language is 70% of your personality, so, you should know what your body is conveying while you do the talking, whether sounds too offensive, aggressive or timid when you put your point across. People will judge that if you have the confidence to speak what you are saying, or your mind and mouth both are in different directions.

- Be original
Be original with your personality! We are all blessed with unique personalities and we should maintain that. An individual should never try to copy or steal other’s personality traits. It is acceptable to try to adopt the good habits from others but try not to lose your uniqueness in the process

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